Concentrez-vous sur ce que vous voulez !
Plusieurs personnes viennent me voir pour se débarrasser d’un problème mais quand je leur dis « Bon, vous savez de quoi vous voulez vous débarrasser. Qu’est-ce que vous voudriez inviter dans votre vie ? Comment voudriez-vous vivre dorénavant ? » ils ne savent pas quoi dire…
Cliquez ici pour regarder ma vidéo pour apprendre comment construire votre avenir en vous concentrant sur le positif.
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash
Evdoxia Stoupi
For the past 16 years, Evdoxia has been accumulating a wide range of skills and tools for healing, combined them with her gift for seeing, hearing and sensing people’s higher self and spirit guides and created the method “i-Ki Coaching”. She is a Life Coach certified by the International Coach Federation, a Master Hypnotist trained in the Hypnovision method and a Reiki Master. She is also a channel of one’s higher self, an enneagram connoisseur, an energy healer and a teacher.
After her own healing journey, she abandoned an illustrious career as a legal attorney and followed her true passion; promoting well-being and helping people attain inner peace.
Her ultimate goal is to contribute to the creation of a new paradigm of being and relating leading to a world where people can co-exist in peace and harmony. “Fulfilled people wish no harm. On the contrary, they lend a helping hand to those who struggle.” is what she says when asked why she followed this path.