Gratitude and how it can transform our lives
January 11, 2019 2021-02-22 8:08Gratitude and how it can transform our lives
Gratitude and how it can transform our lives
We often hear about gratitude. How we should be grateful for what we have and for what is going on in our lives, the good and the bad, because everything happens to help us “evolve” (for an explanation, read my article “When the student is ready”).
Whether we understand it or not, gratitude is very important not only for our personal development but for improving our lives on a practical level as well.
Although some people will say that there is almost nothing there’s nothing in their lives for which they can be thankful, you can perform a little experiment with them. Ask them to get a sheet of paper and make two columns, one for the positive aspects of their life and one for the negative ones and to write everything that comes to mind spontaneously. They will then notice that there will be only a few entries in the negative column, while the positive column will be very long. They will also notice that, often, they let some “shortcomings” or some problems in their lives overshadow anything positive!
Many of us tend to ignore the positive things in our lives altogether because we take them for granted (health, family, friends, a home, a job, etc.) and focus on the negative, on what is lacking, perhaps because such positive things are commonplace for many of us. We should, however, remember that they are not at all commonplace for people with disabilities and/or health problems, lonely people, the unemployed and so on.
We should nοt take anything for granted in life. At any moment, we could lose everything. That is why we should acknowledge that there are many good things going on in our lives and we should be thankful for them! We should express our gratitude all the time!
It is, of course, human and normal to want more. There is abundance in the Universe and we have the right to this abundance.
If we do not live in abundance (whatever that means for us), we are partly responsible. We are the co-creators of our lives and our principal tool of creation is our beliefs. Conscious or subconscious limiting beliefs such as “I do not have the right / I do not deserve happiness, health, love, money, I will never get there, I am not capable, I am bad” etc. are preventing us from seeing opportunities, seizing them and acting. Remember! Action is the key to everything!
To be able to experience the abundance you want in your life, you must first imagine it and then believe it is possible and that you can do it!
Have you heard about the invisible ship phenomenon? It has many variations but the bottom line is the same:
When Captain Cook / Columbus / Magellan (depending on the version of the story we hear) first approached the shore of Australia / Cuba / South America, the natives on the shore were unable to see the ships. The images of the ships on the horizon were unlike any experience they had had so their extremely limited perceptions prevented them from registering them consciously. The first person to notice them was the shaman of the tribe. This was because shamans (also known as witch doctors, or medicine-people) were accustomed to seeing strange things in their visions. It was only when the wise man pointed at the ships and said“Look! Don’t you see these great big objects floating on the water, getting closer to us?” that the natives began to see them…
Even if this story is or seems pure fiction, I have a personal experience to share with you. I once got into a friend’s car in the seat next to the driver’s. When we reached our destination and I tried to open the door, I realized that the handle was completely broken. My friend said, “Do not worry. I will open the door from you once I get out”. When she opened the door and I got out, she laughed and said, “Only my daughter can open it from within”. The next time I got into her car, I opened the door from inside. It wasn’t easy but I did it!. My limiting belief at the sight of the broken handle prevented me from even trying. When I was told and I believed that it was not impossible, that someone had already done it, I tried and succeeded!!!
By practicing gratitude every day, you train your mind to focus on the positive, on what works, on how it works and how it can serve you! We are then able to recognize the positive, what works in every circumstance from miles away. Our look will immediately fall on the opportunity, on the lesson, on the opening, on whatever will help us go forward instead of focusing on problems and obstacles. You will start to automatically focus on solutions rather than problems!
The Law of Attraction is a universal law. I invite in my life situations and people that on the same wavelength, at the same frequencies as I am. A positive person, is always surrounded by positive people and situations because he/she is repelled by negative. They are not attracted by nor do they attract “drama”. Have you noticed that these people are usually grateful?
In the same way, you have heard people say “I have been unlucky all my life”. They may have had some unfortunate moments. Surely, some things were going well in their lives. Perhaps they were healthy, they were not alone etc. Maybe they had food on the table. However, they chose not to see the “blessings” and focus on the “mishaps” that they will continue to experience…
Without being physicist or having studied quantum physics, I have read that reality is not constant; subatomic particles only appear when they are observed.
It is exactly the same thing when it comes to opportunities! We have to look for them before they appear! Our mind has enormous potential but we only use a small part of it for conscious thinking. We miss so much what’s going on around us. If your mind becomes the “observer”, you will be able to choose which of the many possible realities around you will come into effect. You can create your own reality just the way you want it. We hear that we do not use all of our brain capabilities. Let’s start doing it then! We can change the way we see things or see completely different things / opportunities / openings, just by changing our patterns of thinking, abandoning old patterns and practicing the observer and co-creator.
It takes time to get rid of limiting beliefs and to transform our lives but it is possible but by practicing positive affirmations which we will see in the near future and GRATITUDE!
(If time is of essence and you need a transformation now (or yesterday 😉 I recommend coaching and/or hypnosis)
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