Intellingent Vital Energy Coaching
March 6, 2021 2021-04-23 21:35Intellingent Vital Energy Coaching
What is Intelligent Vital Energy (i-Ki) Coaching?
What sets me apart from other coaches is that I have developed my own method, I-KI COACHING, which combines many different techniques as well as my special gifts. Thanks to that, I offer my clients a transformation as big or as small as they are ready for.
Some have described the process as a renaissance. They were reborn!
People come to see me because they are at their wits’ end regarding their lives. They feel fatigued, fed up and just want to drop everything and run away to a faraway place where they can hide from people and responsibilities. They are so burnt-out, frustrated and disappointed that they feel there is no coming back. For some of them, the real reason behind their fatigue is the constant struggle to either harness their special gifts to their advantage, see them as a blessing instead of as a curse or hide them so as not to stand out, so as to blend in with the crowd. It takes a whole lot of effort and energy to do this. Trust me, I know. I used to be one of them…
When I see people in such a state I know that there is some energetic imbalance going on. I know that working with them without restoring that balance will take much more time and, in some cases, the risk of them falling back on their old “habits” is great.
This is why I always start with evaluating my client’s energetic state using my divining rods. I can detect if they have clarity or if they are beside themselves with an emotion.
You know, you cannot work with someone who is beside himself. You need him to be “inside” himself so, if need be, I start the session with stimulating pressure points. What might seem strange to you is that I can stimulate these pressure points both when you are onsite and when we are having the session online. I cannot get into detail here so please bear with me and trust a Reiki Master who has studied with several different Reiki Masters and Schools and has many “tools under her belt”!
I then check the energy levels. If they are too low, the person might feel fatigued and not motivated to get out of bed, let alone do anything. If they are too high, the person is hyper and fatigued from the constant tension he feels and the inability to get a good night’s reparative sleep.
Lastly, I check the energy flow, looking at the chakras and at how the energy is distributed in the body.
The chakras also give me information on the person’s physical, emotional and mental health.
After the energy check/evaluation, we either start with some Reiki sessions if we need to restore the energy balance or we go straight to Coaching or Hypnotherapy depending on the goal of each person.
Although the person’s energy flow has given us plenty of information, we always start theCoaching sessions with two or three discovery sessions. During these sessions not only I but also the client discovers many things that he did not know about himself such as his own subconscious decision making mechanism, the “roles” and “facades” he puts on as defense mechanisms when he feels threatened and his immediate reaction is to go on auto-pilot as well as his “story” and his limiting beliefs. We also discover together his strengths and how he can use a skill he, let’s say, masters at work to facilitate other areas in his life and a lot more than just that…
For the majority of my clients, after these two or three discovery sessions, they are already halfway towards their goal!
After the discovery sessions, coaching sessions are held once a week, three times a month or however often they are needed. More often than not, there’s some “homework” involved on the part of the client and specific deadlines as accountability is key especially for people who tend to procrastinate or who are too set in their old ways which no longer serve them.
To better serve my clients, I have them evaluate my performance at the end of every single session so as to best adapt to their needs, their style and their rhythm of “growth”.
At the end of the coaching sessions, when the goal has been reached and we are all happy, we recapitulate everything that has been learned through the process and the client leaves with a new set of tools, capable of facing whatever life throws at him with equanimity and reaching any new goal he sets without any help.
Coaching is not only about reaching a specific goal but also about learning the methodology, the how goals are reached so that the person is and feels independent and perfectly capable of reaching new goals on his own.
I can always recommend hypnotherapy sessions in between coaching sessions if we discover that there are repeated behavioral patterns or persistent limiting beliefs that do not serve the client or his goal.
Hypnotherapy always starts with a long interview. A questionnaire has to be filled out and we do some relaxation exercises before the induction. We can work on many issues, from bad habits to burn out, emotional and health problems I also do past lives regression if it is deemed necessary but also to satisfy my client’s curiosity.
Another technique I use, reserved only for the people I find ready for “revelations”, is therapeutic channeling. I can connect and channel people’s higher selves. Therapeutic channeling has nothing to do with predictions or fortune telling. It addresses the issues that the person is facing in that particular moment in their life reminding him of his purpose and bringing him in touch with his inner wisdom.
Bear in mind that being trained in many different techniques; I can alternate among them to my clients benefit and to achieve the best possible results in the least amount of time.
At the end of our sessions, my clients feel fulfilled and confident. They know are able to listen to their inner voice and be guided from within which gives them self-confidence and a new lease on life!
I also hold personal development seminars, workshops and trainings as well as Reiki Attunements.
I have to mention that, very often, people with special gifts are attracted to me. People who do not want to accept them, who see them as a “curse” or who do not know what to do with them. People who are hiding from themselves and from society for fear they become outcasts, a laughing matter and lose all credibility. I work differently with such people. I offer spiritual trainings and I teach them how to see and use their gifts as a blessing for their own benefit and, for some who are ready to do it, to benefit others.
Last but not least, it is important for people to know that I hold a campaign for people who have special gifts but do not know it. I want to be their advocate and help them accept themselves and be accepted. I speak out for them and I share my story.
It is my mission to do so. I used to be one of them…