Spirituality and Spiritual Living
October 1, 2020 2021-02-18 13:49Spirituality and Spiritual Living
Spirituality and Spiritual Living
I have been meaning to write about what spirituality means to me for quite some time now because I often hear people coming back from retreats or trainings saying:
“When I was there, I was so peaceful. Everything made sense. I had such clarity/patience/love/compassion etc. The minute I set foot in my everyday life, I lost it. I started getting angry, frustrated, impatient and experienced all the unpleasant feelings I wanted to get rid of.”
The reason I have put it off for so long is that other more “practical” issues came up during sessions and I felt the need to share them with you.
I can’t put it off any longer because of a very “interesting” session I had last week.
“A friend of mine forwarded me your blog on channeling and I knew I had to meet you. I know you are the one that can help me. I am seeking spiritual awakening. I believe in the invisible. I believe that there is so much more than what we can see. I believe in past lives and in spirit guides and I know they exist. I have been trained in Reiki, Shamanism, Channeling and so much more but something is blocking me and I cannot practice them. When I practiced reiki on others, I felt nothing in my hands so I stopped. Nothing that I do works. But that cannot be! I have been told that this is my mission. This is what I am supposed to be doing. You have to help me remove what is blocking me.”
“I see. You are seeking spiritual awakening. What does spiritual awakening look like to you?”
“Well, it’s believing in the invisible, believing there is more than what we are experiencing here on earth.”
“Then, you are already awakened!” I said. “You believe in all that. You don’t need me.”
“No, you see, something is blocking me from fulfilling my mission and becoming the spiritual person I have been told I am meant to be.”
“Why do you want to be a spiritual person?”
“Because I want to be loved and I don’t want so suffer.
“Why do you need to be spiritual to be loved and not to suffer?”
“Because this is only possible in the spiritual realm.”
As Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said,
“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.”
With the exception of some, very few, highly advanced souls who incarnate to help us remember our true nature with their teachings or with raising the vibration on earth through their spiritual practices, who experience love and suffering in a truly and authentically spiritual way, the rest of us may reach enlightenment through the lessons we learn in life.
If you are incarnated and you are not a spiritual teacher or you are not committed to a life in a monastery, ashram, cave etc, it means that you are here to have a human experience with everything that this human experience entails. It means, in many cases, that you have completely forgotten your true (spiritual) nature and you are only interested in the material. It might mean that you give in to your (survival) instincts doing things a spiritual being would never do. Or, it might mean that you have a faint recollection of your spiritual nature and you do everything in your power to relive it.
I think that, if you are reading this blog, you most probably fall in this last category.
For some people in this category, spirituality can become an escape from a reality which is hard to bear. They would rather seek “spirituality” by pursuing spiritual practices that help them “escape” from all the issues they need to resolve than face their reality and live their human experience. They do everything in their power to avoid learning the lessons they have come on this earth to learn. Maybe they do have a mission to help other people awaken or heal but how can they accomplish their mission, their life purpose, if they refuse to do the work that comes with it?
Not all people who seek spirituality have the same mission. I am saying that with certainty based on the numerous therapeutic channeling sessions I have facilitated. Some are here to teach, others to heal, others to LIVE which is the hardest mission of all. Some are told that they have to LIVE before they can accomplish their life mission.
Whatever your mission in life is, you can only accomplish it by LIVING. Life is change, movement, action. Life is INTERACTION with other people.
What good is spirituality if you refuse to interact with the living? What good is spirituality if you avoid taking the action required to find love and inner peace within you on earth? What good is spirituality if you only feel love, compassion and inner peace as a recluse because you renounce everything that comes with “the human experience” such as sadness, disappointment, anger, frustration etc.?
Spirituality isn’t only about love and inner peace. Spirituality begins with acceptance; acceptance of the “human experience” and everything that comes with it. Spirituality is putting in the work required to learn the lessons we are here to learn and attain or come closer to this ideal state of love, compassion and inner peace within society while interacting with others; the difficult mother in law, the cranky boss, the nasty neighbor or anyone else that has crossed our path to teach us a lesson (click here to read “When the student is ready”)
Do you want to be spiritual? Then practice spiritual LIVING!
Photo by Mario Purisic on Unsplash
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What do you do to numb the emotional pain? What is your "pain killer" of choice? - i-KI Coaching
[…] to recognize and acknowledge my feelings and accept my reality. I wouldn’t hide behind my “spirituality” or my “positive thinking” any more and turn a blind eye to what was before labeled […]