Three breaths against stress!
July 13, 2019 2021-02-21 8:54Three breaths against stress!
Three breaths against stress!
A very simple yet very effective breathing exercise that helps us (temporarily) get rid of stress/fear anxiety/panic so we can cope with an “urgent” situation.
To practice it, you inhale deeply, inflating both your chest and your belly to the maximum, then you hold your breath for three seconds and after that you exhale, almost violently, contracting your stomach muscles.
You do that with three consecutive breaths and right afterwards, you feel completely relaxed, a deep sense of relief and well-being. Your fears, your negative thoughts disappear and you are ready to face whatever challenge lies ahead.
Click here to watch the video.
Try it out and share your finding in the comment section!
Photo by Darius Bashar on Unsplash