What you should expect from a therapeutic channeling session
September 22, 2020 2021-02-18 13:50What you should expect from a therapeutic channeling session
What you should expect from a therapeutic channeling session
Therapeutic channeling is not fortune telling. Don’t expect to hear what will happen in the future although sometimes several possible futures can be discussed depending on current actions, attitudes and/or decisions.
The session is always recorded and a copy of the recording is given to the person. There are two reasons for this.
Firstly, during a therapeutic channeling session, higher frequencies are attained. These frequencies, which we are very beneficial for the body, mind and soul, can be attained every time we listen to the recording.
Secondly, the more we listen to the recording, the more our level of comprehension of what was said deepens. We can discover new information even months after the session. People are usually emotionally charged when they ask for a channeling session and they focus on what they think is at the root of their issue. More often than not, what they think is at the root of their issue is only the effect of a deeper issue that the session touches upon. By listening to the recording again and again, they start to grasp it and are ready to take the right course of action.
The minute I establish connection with the person’s higher self, I am also connected to the person’s feelings and physical sensations. This connection lasts for the duration of the session. I can sense openness, kindness, anticipation, anger, fear, tension or whatever the person might be feeling.
The session usually starts with a monologue on my part. I relay everything I see, hear and feel. I can talk about the past, the present or the future as if everything is happening at that very time. This is because time is not linear in the spiritual realm. Everything happens at the same time.
During that monologue, the person is free to interrupt me with questions or even objections. I might also ask some questions, not because the higher self, who speaks through me, doesn’t know the answer, but because the answer must come from the person’s mouth. They have to say it out loud. It usually has to do with awareness issues or with admitting to oneself things that one never dared think or speak of. During therapeutic channeling, the “veil” is lifted and people themselves see what used to be obscure more clearly.
After the monologue the person can ask questions. I have noticed that all the questions have already been answered but sometimes people don’t pay attention or they pay attention only to what they want to hear and not to what is actually being said.
Most sessions are very emotional and the reactions vary from person to person. Most people are very receptive and eager to hear what their higher self and their spirit guides have to say so that they can make the necessary adjustments to their lives and others, fortunately only few people, have their egos hurt and storm out of my practice thinking that I am a fraud. Some of them come around and “see”. Others just choose not to…
While channeling is an amazing means for awakening, confirmation, guidance, problem solving etc., it can be too much for someone who is not ready. This is the reason why I don’t channel for everyone that asks me to. There’s a certain kind of emotional and energetic balance which is necessary for the session to be as beneficial as possible. If the person is not ready, some “work” is needed beforehand. It could be some reiki sessions, acupressure or any other practice that can restore a person’s balance.
If you want to make sure you are ready for channeling, I am inviting you to click on the following link to:
book a 20’ complimentary session
Photo by Jared Rice on Unsplash