Why I teach Reiki

Healing Personal Development & Growth Reiki Self Awareness Spiritual Awakening Spirituality

Why I teach Reiki

Packing my suitcase to fly to Athens for my scheduled Reiki I and personal development training this weekend of January 26th-27th, 2019, I am full of excitement! I have accompanied hundreds of people practicing and teaching Reiki in more than a dozen countries, in three different languages and each time I am as excited as ever.

Many people have not even heard of Reiki (click here for more information) when I recommend it for energy harmonization. When I explain that when we are “out of tune”, we have much less clarity and we are much less likely to be open to well-being/healing/attaining a goal, they trust me. They agree to have their first session with me. Then, something magical happens. The elation they feel during and after the session has them come back for more. Some, I am happy to say, are relieved to hear that it does not take a “special gift” to practice it, that we can practice it on ourselves and that it can be learned!!!

I am going to publicly share, for the first time, why I started teaching Reiki. The reason why I have not done it so far is that, every time I practiced saying it in my head, it sounded presumptuous, arrogant…

“What will people say? What will they think of me?”

Well it is time I stopped thinking about me and the consequences it might have on my “image”, that of a “humble light worker”. It is bigger than me…

Like with many other things in my life, such as the use of the divining rods for energy testing, the message came to me in a dream. I had been a Reiki practitioner for 7 years, accompanying people on their journey to healing/self-discovery/personal and professional development, when I dreamt that I was in a big white hospital room while war was raging outside. I could hear the noise of battle and the cries of the wounded. People from all around the world entered that room, staggering and covered in blood. I would wash and dress their wounds and, before I could say anything to them, they were off to the battle again. I clearly remember the distinct features and clothes of people from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds as we were all in the same room. They were not enemies in that particular space and moment in time. They were just people trying to survive, to heal and to be able to cope with the “battle” of everyday life. People came and went until I sadly realized that the same people would come, wounded, time and again, seeking my care. I remember then seeing myself walking up an incline towards an open door behind which there was a bright white light. I could see myself slowly walking upwards, feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders and saying to myself “I cannot keep doing that forever. It leads nowhere. People have to learn how to look after themselves!”

I woke up the next morning knowing that the time had come for me to become a Reiki Master and start teaching. I did not feel ready. I would not have pursued the training to become a Reiki Master had it not been for the dream. But, by that time, I had already learned my lesson. I could no longer run away from myself (read my journey to self-discovery to find out more).

It was in the summer of 2016 when I sought and found a Reiki Master training in Paris.

I have been teaching Reiki ever since…

I still practice Reiki on people. I love to see their expression after the session and the rapid transformation for most of them.

Nevertheless, I feel that my mission is to spread the word. To let people know that there is a way towards well-being and independence. All we need is training and our intention.

P.S. Energy testing and sessions can be held onsite or remotely. Contact me for an appointment!

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